Monday, December 21, 2009

Hurricane of '09 and so much more

Monday we experienced a small hurricane/large tropical storm. Mick blew in rather quickly on Monday afternoon. We lost power right after noon. It was amazing to see the power of the storm blowing the palm trees around. A lot of the dead limbs from the palm trees fell throughout the storm. After about 6:00 PM the storm ended and we all emerged from our rooms and took a look at all the damage. There were a lot of branches and trees down around the neighborhood, but no major damage to anything near us. We thank God for protection during the storm.

Tuesday we woke up with the power still off. We stayed around the hotel and helped the staff pick up all the debris that had fallen. The kids were having a blast hauling the big limbs back to the burn pile that is at the back of the hotel. We found out that two staff members had quite significant damage to their houses. One of them lost most of his house, the other lost his roof. Chick and Dan went to the home of one of the families from church to help set up a greenhouse that had partially collapsed. The power came back on late in the afternoon.

Wednesday and Thursday we were supposed to go visit some villages near Sigatoka, but the storm knocked out the power and the water at the villages, so we couldn't go out there. Dan and Chick went back to Nina's house, where the greenhouse was, and put in some more posts so she could add another greenhouse on the other side of the driveway. Bill and Denise did some follow up visits to some families that had been seen before. The visits were to people that were Hindus before coming to know Jesus Christ. They were following up to see if they had destroyed the idols that were in their homes. The rest of the team stayed at the hotel and continued to help with cleaning up around there.

Thursday morning some of our team went back to the hospital to visit sick people. They prayed over a little four year old who had gotten burned on his backside and upper thighs. It made Robin cry. Dan and Denise took the younger boys to a park near the hospital since they are too young to go in. In the afternoon Dan, Bill and Denise went to help hand out the tickets for the Samaritan's purse gift give away on Friday. We met with some surfing DTSers from New Zealand. We prayed over one of them, Malcolm, who was sick with some sort of throat infection.

Friday most of the team went to help with the Samaritan's purse gift program. The team did some singing with the kids and the parents that came with them. We also had a number of clowns and did some stories and short skits. It was exciting to see the kids faces as we handed out the gift boxes. Most of the families in this area are extremely poor, and probably never get gifts at all. They were so happy. Some of us got thank you cards that the kids had made before hand.

Saturday we got to spend with the DTS students from Chico. It was really good to see them and hear all the stories they had. It was good for them too. They got the chance to rest and have fun with the kids. Some of them went to the internet cafe, while others stayed back and took naps on comfortable beds. That night some of our team and all of theirs went to a Nadi Christian Youth Gathering (NCYG) that was happening near by. There were youth from all around the area coming together to praise Jesus. It was an awesome experience. Chick and Lynda spent the day with a couple from EWC and their extended family. This couple had experienced a lot of isolation from their family since becoming members of EWC and this was a time of reconciliation between this couple and their family.

Sunday we worshiped with EWC again. This is the last Sunday before we head to Lautoka for a couple weeks. Pastor Paula gave a powerful message on courage. Today was also special because one of the women we prayed for at the hospital the first time we visited was there worshiping with us. Jhatika was the woman who had drunk the weed killer trying to kill herself. She was there and was completely healed. It's awesome to see how God works in the lives of His children.

We continue to be amazed at the goodness of God in the lives of the Fijian people. We hope that what happens while we are here will not die after we leave. Our prayer is that our team will be forgotten, but it will be remembered that God's power was at work here and continues to work.

To see the photos of our outreach, please go to Dan and Robin's website: .

This is what the LORD says: “Don't let the wise boast in their wisdom, or the powerful boast in their power, or the rich boast in their riches. But those who wish to boast should boast in this alone: that they truly know know me and understand that I am the LORD who demonstrates unfailing love and who brings justice and righteousness to the earth, and that I delight in these things. I, the LORD, have spoken! Jeremiah 9:23-24 (NLT)

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